PARENTS » Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council

Parent Advisory Council for 2022/23

President - Krista Podwin

Vice President - Shelly Bezanson

Secretary - Patricia Byers

Treasurer - Summer Recchi

D- PAC Rep - Ericka Stephens-Rennie

Food Store Manager - Jessica Sullivan


The RSS Parent Advisory Council meets regularly with school administration. Generally we hear updates from the PAC, the principal and our school board trustee. We discuss:

  • school philosophy and program priorities:
  • the curriculum, new instructional programs, facilities, equipment and learning resources;
  • budget, alterations and renovations to facilities;
  • safety programs and procedures;
  • alternatives for identifying, communicating and meeting unique community needs;
  • appropriate school evaluation matters;
  • communicating ideas from the community to the board of school trustees and school staff;
  • informing the community about decisions made at the school, district and ministry levels;
  • methods of resolving school-community differences and improving relations

2024/25 meeting dates

February 24th 6:30 - 7:30pm

April 28th 6:30 - 7:30pm

June 16th 6:30 - 7:30pm - AGM


PAC meetings are held in the evenings in the RSS cafeteria. All are welcome to join.


Email: [email protected]